Turns out, blogger is SO much easier to use than WordPress, or maybe it just seems to me that way after I battled the latter monster. Initially, I had no idea what a post was, so you can imagine how much of a beginner I truly was. However, I don’t regret putting in the time to learn WP since I really do enjoy making “websites” and watching them grow little by little.
As far as my post’s tittle “Second Chances” (in case you were wondering) – this is something I have been thinking about a lot lately and the conclusion I keep coming to is that nothing good ever comes from second chances. There are exceptions of course, but mostly it’s a bad idea, don’t do it. I have learned this lesson time and time again, especially when it comes to men and it’s just not worth it. I strongly believe that people don’t change, at the core that is – a bad person, will not grow into a good one and if you do see that happening there are two reasons:
- A bad person began acting like a good one, but sooner or later they will revert back and it’s not a matter of “if” but of “when”.
- A good person was pretending to be bad, but eventually got tired of it and went back to being him/herself.
So don’t let them fool you and don’t fool yourself, people don’t change. They do, however, learn to be better actors, users and liars. Just like the beloved Dr. House said “everybody lies”, so be careful out there and watch out of those sneaky people asking for second chances, because if you don’t learn to protect yourself – you are in for a world of hurt and I really hate when people are hurting so please don’t hurt me by hurting yourself.
Thank you in advance :)
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